Project Collaboration

Risk Governance of Nanomaterials – 3 European Projects Working Together




The Gov4Nano consortium works closely with two other EU H2020 risk governance projects funded under the same NMBP-13-2018 call: NANORIGO and RiskGONE.

All three projects address the same goal, to ultimately ensure a sustainable and equitable RGF and RGC developed for nanotechnology in Europe.

Gov4Nano will develop the first implementation of a future-proof operational Nano Risk Governance Model (NRGM) that addresses the needs of the transdisciplinary field and innovative (and key enabling) character of nanotechnology.

NANORIGO (NANOtechnology RIsk GOvernance) will develop and implement a transparent, transdisciplinary and active Risk Governance Framework (RGF) and establish the basis of a related Council (RGC) for manufactured nanomaterials and nano-enabled products.

RiskGONE (Science-based Risk Governance of Nano-Technology) aims at providing solid procedures for science-based risk governance of nanomaterials, based on a clear understanding of risks and risk management practices.

To boost the effect and synergies between the funded projects addressing governance and nanoinformatics, an interaction commitment between the projects NANORIGO and RiskGone, has been agreed.

Towards the closure of the three NMBP-13 projects Gov4Nano, NANORIGO and RiskGONE organised a multistakeholder conference: “Future-proof Approaches for Risk Governance – Lessons Learned from Nanomaterials”.
This conference was organised in close collaboration with the OECD’s Working Party on Manufactured Nanomaterials (WPMN).
All documents related to this event can be found here.