Summary report of the multistakeholder dialogue at 24-25 January 2023 at OECD in Paris, France European innovation policies are focused on their supportive role to accelerate the green and digital transition in Europe. Advanced materials like nanomaterials are...
Gov4Nano @ BNN Quarterly (Mar 2023)
Gov4Nano project was included in the latest BNN QUARTERLY 01/2023 with an article about Future-proof Approaches for Risk Governance – Lessons Learned from Nanotechnologies (pages 40 - 41). Enjoy reading! Download the newsletter here.
NMBP 13 final online event: Future-proof Approaches for Risk Governance
The NMBP 13 final online event: Future-proof Approaches for Risk Governance took place on 31 January 2023. The recording of this event is available now. Enjoy watching!
Survey on training practices on nano and advanced materials for workers safety and health
The PEROSH Nano-Training project, in cooperation with the H2020 Gov4Nano project, is inviting experts to participate in a survey on training practices on nanomaterials and advanced materials for workers safety and health. The survey will inform the development and...
H2020 project caLIBRAte data publicly available
From the 1st of October, the data gathered in the H2020 project caLIBRAte (Grant agreement ID: 686239) are publicly available via the Nanosafety Data Interface ( Thanks to all data providers and Ideaconsult who...
NMBP-13 SURVEY: Help refining the final plans from the risk governance projects NANORIGO, Gov4Nano and RiskGONE
Risk Governance for Nanotechnology - Survey The purpose of this survey is to better understand how the needs of different stakeholders can be addressed through the outputs of three European projects funded to develop new approaches to the risk governance of...
Gov4Nano presented @SAF€RA Symposium 2022
Our project coordinator Monique Groenewold from the National Institute for Public Health and the Environment gave an interesting presentation on “Challenges in organisation & research of risk governance of Nanotechnologies” at the SAF€RA symposium in Rome on 19...
Gov4Nano @NanoSafetyCluster Newsletter #25
Gov4Nano presented its work during the OECD Webinar in December 2021. Read more about “How to access exposure to nanomaterials? The evaluation result of existing tools/models” in the NanoSafety Cluster NEWSLETTER on page 29 đź“. Download the newsletter here.
Nano Risk Governance NMBP-13 Newsletter
The 3rd NMBP-13 Newsletter from the Gov4Nano, NANORIGO and RiskGONE projects is out now and available to download here. This issue brings you updates on the blueprint of the Nano Risk Governance Council (NRGC), the development of the Nano Risk Governance Framework...
Gov4Nano @ NanoSafety Cluster Newsletter #23
Gov4Nano project was included in the new NSC newsletter from July 2021. The 23rd issue of the NSC Newsletter brings you an in depth report on the sessions that took place during The Venice Training School: 10 Years of Nanosafety Training  from Basic Science to Risk...