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GRACIOUS approach to Quality Assessment of Nanosafety Data Workshop
Assessing Quality and Completeness of Nanosafety Data for Risk Assessment Purposes Workshop
Using high quality data is essential for performing robust risk assessment of chemical substances, including engineered nanomaterials (NMs). It is important for risk assessors to be aware of the quality of the datasets that they use, but such information is currently not available for most of the available nanosafety datasets.
To address this issue, the EU H2020 project GRACIOUS proposed a methodology to facilitate the evaluation of quality and completeness for sets of NM physicochemical and(eco)toxicological data based on established criteria: i.e., completeness, reliability, relevance and adequacy. This approach is unique in the sense that it can automatically assess data quality and completeness starting from the available (meta)data, thus minimising the reliance on expert judgment. The goal is to further advance the methodology in the H2020 Gov4Nano project and implement it as functionality of the eNanoMapper database to enable real-time analysis of each dataset that is included in it.
To achieve this, we need help from experts!
Therefore, we are organising this virtual workshop to present our approach and collect your opinion on key aspects of the developed quality assessment methodology.
In this workshop you will learn and discuss:
- The background and purpose of the GRACIOUS approach for data quality assessment
- The detailed methodology for assessing data quality and completeness of physicochemical and hazard datasets
- How the approach can help to address stakeholder needs
- How we can improve certain aspects of the methodology and its implementation in the eNanoMapper database
Who should attend?
Data experts and risk assessors from industry, regulation, and academia.
Draft Agenda:
Moderator: Danail Hristozov, EMERGE
10.00 – 10.20 Quality of data on nanomaterials: why we need progress in its assessment (Presentation; Hubert Rauscher, EC JRC)
10.20 – 11.20 Methodology for assessing quality and completeness of physicochemical and hazard data for risk assessment purposes (Presentation, Q&A session, and open discussion; Gianpietro Basei, GreenDecision Srl and Danail Hristozov, EMERGE)
11.20 – 12.00 Implementing the methodology in the eNanoMapper database (Demonstration, Q&A session, and open discussion; Nina Jeliazkova, Idea Consult)