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International Workshop on Gap Analysis and Data Requirements to support Test Guideline and Guidance Document Development for NanoHarmony Target End Points
The NanoHarmony project will bring together technical experts for priority End Points identified by NanoHarmony. Expert sessions for each of the 8 End Points within NanoHarmony will bring global contributions into gap analysis and data requirements to support TG and GD development.
End Points in focus for the workshop include: Bioaccumulation testing in fish, T toxicokinetic studies, Concentrations in biological samples, Solubility and dissolution rates in water and biologically-relevant fluids, Surface chemistry and coatings, Dustiness testing, Intestinal fate from oral ingestion and Short term aquatic organism toxicity studies.
Sessions per End Point will be up to 0.5 days each over a three day period and relevant expert stakeholders are invited to register an interest in contributing into specific sessions. This is an opportunity to build international critical mass in data and requirements for effective TG and GD development and NanoHarmony is delighted to welcome a global community.
If you are active within any of these areas and would like to contribute into a global discussion, please register an interest below and NanoHarmony will confirm your place for the meeting.